Collecting our sources
Inclusivity starts with listening to each other and being open to engage in or start the conversation. Giving everyone the opportunity to tell their story. Bringing it into perspective is essential. These are fundaments in order to accomplish inclusion in society. After having had the conversation and listening to the needs and desires it’s important to bring these into practice.This can be done by making public spaces, workspaces, schools, (night)clubs, the catering industry, medical centers, fashion industry, government and many more areas (more) inclusive.

There are countless subject matters where inclusivity plays a fundamental and crucial part. In our process of figuring out what our focus would be in order to shape this project we decided to choose four often reoccuring subject matters in society. We chose the following subject matters: ethnicity, beauty standards, gender & sexual orientation. This helped us to narrow it down and prevented the project from becoming an arbitrary collection. However, we came to the conclusion that even narrowing it down to these four subject matters isn't specific enough. These terms are still widely ranging and can be put in so many contexts and interpretations. We therefore decided to connect them with stereotypes so our goal and aim towards ourzelves and towards the audience is clearer.


